Kobe Beef's home province,Maruse Stockbreeding Inc
A ranch boasting a rare scale for this prefecture and high quality
In Maruse Stockbreeding Inc., about 700 cows are bred and around 300 Kobe Beef cattle are produced every year.
The company is proud of being one of the largest-scale and greatest quality in the prefecture and always produces lots of award winning beef cattle. We were impressed by his appreciable "posture" and "passion" as a producer.
Beef Steak Kawamura is persistent in stocking with high-quality cow beefs in both quality and taste. We could build up our self-confidence more, thinking, "This is a genuine Kobe Beef!", which we've sought.
We'd like to keep serving the highest "quality" and "assurance"/"trust" so that we can meet producers' expectations.

Maruse Stockbreeding Inc. Seto ranch cattle shed

With Mr. Kazutaka Seto,Maruse Stockbreeding Inc.

Tour in cattle shed