The characteristicks of the lusciousness of Kobe beef
What taste does Kobe Beef have?
The fleshy substance of Kobe Beef is fine and tender and it becomes the highest class "marbled beef" in which a fresh red color of the muscle and a white color of the fat after the fat go into the muscle minutely if fattened up.
"Marbled beef", what we call, a beef with "Sashi" is melting when you heat it up and it ravels surrounding muscle and becomes very soft on the tongue. A taste that palatability of lean tissue and the fragrance of fat melt together in your mouth is a secret of the lusciousness that Kobe Beef has.
We guess you also have ever tasted a beef that you felt "This beef is fantastic". Kobe Beef is a superlative beef that you honestly feel fantastic!!
The characteristicks of the lusciousness of Kobe beef
The more Mono saturated fatty acid the beef contains the better flavor the beef has. It is said. According to the result of the analysis of the fatty acid composition of the chuck of the 315 fattened cattle in Beef Producing Ability Test held by Hyogo and other 4 prefectures(A-D) in Chugoku Area, Kobe Beef turned out to contain more Mono saturated fatty acid compared with other prefecture growth beefs.

Data offering: Hyogo pref. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers Research Center, Livestock Division.
Boar acid contained amount of Kobe Beef
Graph of boar acid contained amount of Kobe Beef Glutamic acid abundantly contained in dried kelp and boar acid abundantly contained in bonito have a great influence on an attractive quality of edible meat. Content of boar acid contained in the each chuck of 54 fattening Japanese Black Cattle is largely different depending on the breeding cattle (A-L) and Kobe Beef turned out to contain it more than the others. In both the flavor and lusciousness, Kobe Beef is numerically superior to the others, so Kobe Beef is undoubtedly the best one!!

Data offering: Hyogo pref. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers Research Center, Livestock Division.