Kobe Beef Cattle and Tajima Beef Cattle
Kobe Beef and Tajima Beef cattle are both thoroughbred breeds.
Kobe Beef cattle are often mistaken as cows bred in Hyogo and Kobe, which when slaughtered become Kobe Beef by default, but this is a major misconception. Kobe Beef cattle are determined by strict selection from thoroughbred Tajima Beef cattle, and are of the highest quality. As thoroughbreds, no genes from other breed are present in Kobe Beef cattle.
For more information, refer to the definition of Kobe Beef.
Kobe Beef Cattle (Kobe Beef)
Only a certain group of cattle which passed strict conditions from among Tajima Beef Cattle, which are reputed as the best of all Japanese Black Cattle, can be called" Kobe Beef (Kobe Beef Cattle)". The Highest Award (Champion) Winning Kobe Beef, 1-3 quality award winning Kobe beefs, 4-5 excellent award winning Kobe beefs are selected in each auction market (competitive exhibition/fair) from among cows and bullocks of Kobe Beef Cattle and the others are non-title Kobe Beefs.
Beef Steak Kawamura is serving with always persistence in Kobe Beef Cattle and its quality.

Tajima Beef Cattle
The brand and the Tajima Beef Cattle of the best cattle of which Japan boasts are the kinds with an excellent tradition and blood. Tajima Beef Cattle's origin is old. Tajima Beef Cattle is written that "It is suitable for carrying, cultivation, and food" in "ZokuNihonshoki" edited at the Heian era. It is recognized as excellent lineage from old days. 。 The tradition (more than 200 years) is defended, and the cow that did the improvement repeatedly while avoiding hybridization with other prefecture cattle is a Tajima Beef Cattle. A super famous brand cattle's such as Matsuzaka Beef Cattle and Oomi Beef Cattle roots are all the Tajima Beef Cattle, and Kobe Beef Cattle becomes the best in the Tajima Beef Cattle.